Vinyasa Yoga

Über mich

One of my favourite yoga teachers Leslie Kaminoff says that in order for us to go deep inside ourselves in the practice of yoga, we start the journey within our physical bodies. This physical, outward frame is the place in which I practice, and I believe it’s the jump off point for us to understand ourselves at a deeper level.

Meine Stunden

‘Flow Motion’ is a term I use to describe my approach to teaching Vinyasa Yoga. It’s a play on the words ‘slow’ and ‘flow,’ because when I get into familiar yoga postures, I use unhurried, soft, and fluid transitions to help smoothen out any hard edges of a physical yoga practice. But don’t let the fluidity fool you—while the slow/flow approach encourages grace, it develops strength, too.


I hold a nurturing and safe space for you to discover both your strong and soft sides, and it is my hope that when you leave my class, not only will you feel empowered and restored, but that you will understand and even like yourself a little better.


Meyo House Yoga Basel

Lindenberg 8

Im 2. Stock

4058 Basel


078 303 3322


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Bis Wettsteinplatz, Rheingasse oder Claraplatz

Von da aus 5min zu Fuss



Im Parkhaus Rebgasse


Den Innenhof durchqueren und beim Haus Nr 8 reingehen, 2. Stock rechts.

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